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Heather Earl



My Story


 I can’t wait for you to EXPLORE AND DISCOVER…SCENTSY... It has changed my life for the better! 

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I am starting from the beginning because I feel that you can’t really know me unless I share this part of my life! I decided to share the details of my life so that you can TOTALLY APPRECIATE what SCENTSY truly means to me!  As a young 19 year old we had our first child Shealyn and she was born with a genetic skin disease called  Junctional Epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) It is a rare genetic disease characterized by the presence of extremely fragile skin and recurrent blister formation, resulting from the most slight or minor  friction or trauma to the skin.(to learn more  ) I didn’t know until a week later that my first child (Shealyn) was born with a terminal disease. I didn’t realize that my time with her was very short and eventually after 5 months on a Thanksgiving morning she died. I was distraught and depressed, but not broken! I asked myself where do I go from here? My husband and I accepted the Lord’s will and eventually started healing; two years later  I was blessed with my second child Hayley which is now 20 with her own child on the way!  Wow, I lost a daughter and received another one that could stay with me! I was full of JOY! But now decisions had to be made..there was no way that I could work it was extremely important to me that I stay with her and cherish her and not miss a moment, and I didn’t!  After 2 more years I had my 3rd child, His name was Shelby, he was born with the same skin disease as Shealyn  4 years previous. I knew right when he was born that I would not have him long and so the "cherishing" journey began and I spent every moment trying to make as many memories as I could! I tried to find JOY IN THE JOURNEY! We spent most of Shelby’s life in the ICU and I chose to take Shelby home for his last couple of weeks on earth. He lived 5 months and died on Halloween Oct 31 of that year! Life was rough! I had my sweet husband and daughter and a loving family to support me and help me through my grief! I had lost two children and had this deep desire to be a voice in some way to encourage parents not to give up trying to have children.

I struggled some feeling like I was not doing what I was meant to do! I felt like I had so much to say but NO VOICE! People didn’t know what to say to me so instead they said nothing at all and I felt lonlier and lonlier. I needed to find my voice and I read a very special quote that changed my life forever by Nelson Mandela… "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."   

 I decided that instead of letting myself get down and more depressed that I wanted to speak out to these other mothers of EB children. Many mothers once they had lost they didn’t want any more children! I felt like I could help them realize how to find joy in their journey, despite thier loss! Even though times were tough,  I believed I could do something to help me stay strong! I was able to speak to these mothers and help them through their grief and pain. After time they had a system of professionals to help the families. I wasn't sharing anymore and still trying to find my voice.  Two years later I was blessed with another son KOLBY!  He was healthy and disease free. I was full of JOY!

  But, I still didn’t want to work and it was very important to me to be home with Kolby and Hayley. And so I did stay home until later I decided and felt inspired to go back to school and become a nurse while the Kolby was in a mother’s day out program two days a week.  Finally, I had finished all classes and prerecs for nursing school! I kept trying to get into nursing school! My hard work finally paid off!  I got my 4.0 GPA  and was accepted into a very high demand nursing school! I went two years and was usually requested on clinicals by patients that "wanted the one with the curly hair!" I loved it! I finally felt like I was contributing. It was very hard but I loved it! I unfortunately was unable to finish because my husband was a truck driver, and at that time and he was over the road and was never home and all of my family for the first time in my life lived in other states! I had no support! I was dropping my kids off in the dark and picking them up in the dark! Studying til three in the morning and waking up at 5 to do it all over again! My children were suffering!

  I decided that my first priority was to be a mother and I was unable to devote anything to them and could not give my full attention to my kids with the grueling schedule of nursing school! Not to mention, working part time and a leader at church for the young women. (Ages 12-18) So I made a very hard decision to put school on hold and remember what my number one priority was! This was a hard time for me! I am the kind of person that wanted to share my compassion! I wanted to share the deep love that I had to give and I felt devastated that becoming a nurse was not going to work out for me! I struggled for what I could do with my life! I am the type of person that feels fulfilled through lifting another and showing my love to them!  My dream of being a nurse was shattered! The next phase for me now was that both of my kids were in school and I decided to help provide a second income to have a more quality of family life! So I was back to working more. I went back to my RDA (dental assistant.) Which slowly but surely turned into a professional career that consumed me! As the office supervisor if you are short handed it falls on you! So part time turned into full and full turned into long hours, weekends, training, running our expo show’s  and so on! I was never home and the one thing that had always been important to me was non-existent. I was suffering, my kids and husband were suffering too! Some made comments of all people I never expected you to work a full career like this. I had no time for friends, church activities, let alone my kids and family! I was pleading for a change.

  At one of the expo shows I was running in 07, I had a moment to walk and look around and I found this little booth with these beautiful warmers and fabulous scents only to discover SCENTSY! I initially just liked the name because all of my kid’s names had  the letter "Y " in them! ShealYn, HaYleY, ShelbY, and KolbY and ScentsY! It just fit!  It’s the simple pleasures for me! Then I smelled OH MY GOODNESS! I am a candle FREAK... Also, smells mean a lot to me as sometimes it is only smell that helps me have some precious memories of my children! {I loved candles so much and had them all over the house but I almost burned my house down one day if I had not come home right when I did to a little candle up on top of a book case that I had forgotten to blow out! I prob only had minutes before the shooting flame was to catch and spark an artificial tree not that far away! So from then on NO candles for me! If I did light one my daughter would go right behind me and blow it out from fear!!}

Back to finding the scentsy! I was so busy in my career that I never had time to look it up to discover more!  Finally, one day I did! I immediately had the thought that this seemed like something I could do! I decided that I wanted to give it a shot! It was the "HOTTEST NEW THING IN CANDLES!" But most importantly the mission statement meant the most! It touched me! "Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses and Inspire the Soul!"   I was in! Well, a year passed and I never took the time to sign up!  Well, that brings us to 2008 expo! Two weeks prior to this expo I had the thought cross my mind and I wondered if there was going to be a Scentsy booth this time. I hoped to see it again!

Well I walk into the hall to find our booth and right across from us there was a Scentsy booth, YEAH! I immediately left my booth, (where I was supposed to be setting up) walked over and asked a couple of questions, pulled out my credit card and said I want to SIGN UP!

So I received my kit the first week of September 08 and it sat in my entry way for two weeks! Til one weekend morning I sat down and opened my box with a big pile all around I am sure you all can imagine! {Why did i wait so long?}  I just felt so ENERGIZED!!! I was going to really work this thing! I began my scentsy journey and became LEAD then STAR level,  all with basically basket parties! My best friend signed up,  then my mom and I was able to share this with them and I loved it! I was on a Scentsy high!! I began to work my business and something magical happened!  Through doing something different and reaching out to others it helped me realize some things and take some blinders off of my eyes and notice that my 9-5 10,15 hour a day job had began to consume my life and I didn’t even realize what I was sacrificing!  My kids were getting older every minute! So then I prayed and decided to cut my hours way back! This was not an easy thing to do at my job, due to so much responsibility. The owner’s wife loved me and understood! Now I was taking my kids to school everyday and picking them up 3 days a week. And working my Scentsy business at night! I FELT JOY!  ! Oh man there was no stopping me! I was super siked that I finally started believing that this opportunity was real and little ole me could maybe really one day have the success that so many of us only dreamed about! I truly believed and felt that SCENTSY WAS WARMING MY HEART ~SCENTSY DID ENLIVEN MY SENSES~ AND SCENTSY WAS INSPIRING MY SOUL! 

My father always told me I was born for greatness… and so I began to find JOY in small things! Well then we come to March 2009. I was so super pumped again and remembered some of my favorite quotes…."Any good thing was worth working for!" And my other favorite, “I never said it would be easy but I only said it would be worth it”. And "If you keep on doin what you have always done you are gonna keep on getting what you have always got!" So it was time to get out of comfort zones and really work to build my business and find my voice! I am very moved and motivated by quotes! They are what get me through life! At this time my mom and some of my very first recruits carpooled to the OKLAHOMA scentsy spirit tour! The speakers were amazing and I found this common thread between JOY in the JOURNEY and giving more than you take! This is where I belonged! This was what I always longed for. That compassion in my spirit was just ready to reach out! WOW it was confirmed that I was in the right place! This scentsy thing was definitely a good message!  Nothin was gonna stop me! I was ready. I could have walked into my job after returning from the spirit tour and quit that day! That is how thrilled I was!  

Days later, on March 12th, I received a call from my sister that evening saying that my dad had just called and said he was pulling into a Lowe’s parking lot because he was not feeling well and he was having chest pains and that she needed to let us all know that he would be at local hospital and then before he hung up from that very short phone call he said "Be Strong!"  My husband and I and my children were on a goose chase to a Lowes parking lot only to find it was not the right one! And by the time we got to the right one I pulled up and saw them doing CPR. I ran up to the ambulance and told them that that was my dad in there and they immediately told me that they were doing everything they could! Sadly, my Dad died unexpectedly that night from a massive heart attack! Not my dad! My cheerleader! My best friend! What a shock! Two weeks of March went by in an instant! And I found myself back in a rut! Oh how this hurt! My scentsy family was right there to support me instantly! I got home from the hospital and literally sat and read email after email,  words of comfort from people that our only common bond was Scentsy! 

During this time of grief, I was reminded of all the times my dad had endured trials over and over and that I needed find JOY even during this part of my JOURNEY! I decided from that moment on, that I was going to focus on my SCENTSY business to pick myself up and try and "BE STRONG" like he asked. Also it was my way to honor my dad and show him that I knew how special I was to him and I wanted to show him that I believed in myself. So I began talking to everyone because it felt so good to do it! I was finding a voice! I felt uplifted! But I didn’t so much share all the details of the candles but the beautiful message that scentsy warms the heart and enlivens the senses and inspires the soul! And that this opportunity was amazing and that I just could not pass people by and not share!

Here is the powerful part...In two weeks I went from star consultant to DIRECTOR! (That was skipping right over a whole level) Wow! In the month of March the same month that my dad passed that I could have that memory forever that I became a director! It is a small thing but yet so special to me. I decided from then on I would dedicate the rest of my life with no doubts in my business and find the JOY in my SCENTSY JOURNEY! I wanted to encourage and love every single member on my team! I felt closer to my dad when I was remembering who I was and what my talents were and sharing them!  And so I was going to use these talents with my team! I wanted to be there for all the people who joined on my team!  Sure I could teach them how to put a party order in but this was so much bigger! Most importantly I wanted every team member to recognize their own worth! That everyone of them has something to give. It was my desire to inspire them! 

I am now a SuperStar Director and have a group of 3500 +  with over 25 directors. I have now RETIRED from my full time career and do Scentsy FULL TIME!  Wow! Many of my dreams have become my reality! I have traveled the world including Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, United Kingdom, Vegas and the list goes on and on! The paycheck is an added bonus! I am now able to give back and raise money for my PAJAMA PAGES! (Find "PAJAMA PAGES on Facebook)

Scentsy has brought so many great opportunities my way It is so hard to find where I should begin...I LOVE having the opportunity to spend my days with my kids Hayley and Kolby!  I have found my voice sharing with others! I have met so many people and have made lots of friends along the way!! This was just so super inspiring to me... this is the most important thing about our business is reaching out to each other and lifting each other up! Everyone has something to contribute!  Believing in this brought quality to my business! I enjoy spending my days teaching and cheering on fabulous men and women to work for IMPORTANT things in their lives! Just like our lives,  we are going to have upsets but if we can find joy in our journey then we do have success! If we are truly giving more than we take then we are winning and we will become successful.

I feel blessed that SCENTSY came into my life! And that I don’t have to dream about spending every day with my children and grandchildren and being there for them in a way that I have always wanted! That it can actually be REALITY! That I can inspire and empower other women with this opportunity! That I can sustain myself and support my family. That I can uplift my spirits and those around me and truly SHINE!  I know that scentsy provides that QUALITY OF LIFE that we all deserve! What a blessing we all have to have this sisterhood together to truly warm each others heart~ enliven our senses and inspire each other’s souls. I am forever changed BECAUSE OF SCENTSY!  I thank you for this opportunity of sharing my scentsy story. 

Join my team and discover  Your Own Story… I can’t wait to hear it!

With Love~

Heather Earl

SuperStar Director


What's warming in my home